KT embarked on finding a suitable solution to monitor ERP (Oracle SIEBEL) and WAS and ESB for its BIT project carried out for communication infrastructure innovation. The client chose Dabom Soft, which has WAS monitoring packages with the capabilities to develop the monitoring of C++-based SIEBEL CRM monitoring as ERP.
•Client | KT
•Project | Construction of BIT middleware monitoring system
•Duration | 2012 ~ 2013
•Product | Phraos JAVA(Renewal with NPHAROS JAVA)
  • Scope of work | Construction of APM for OSS and BSS business
  • Objective | Development of an APM solution exclusively for Oracle SIEBEL CRM introduced to BIT and introduction of a WAS monitoring tool required for KT’s BIT business area.
  • Background |
    KT embarked on finding a suitable solution to monitor ERP (Oracle SIEBEL) and WAS and ESB for its BIT project carried out for communication infrastructure innovation. The client chose Dabom Soft, which has WAS monitoring packages with the capabilities to develop the monitoring of C++-based SIEBEL CRM monitoring as ERP.
  • Benefits |
    KT would have had difficulties in performance management due to the lack of a separate performance monitoring tool required at the time of opening of ERPs including SIEBEL, a core ERP for its BIT project. With PHAROS SIEBEL and PHAROS RODOD developed and supplied by Dabom Soft, however, the client could open those ERPs reliably, and also introduced ENPHAROS JAVA to many WAS-based infrastructure solutions for monitoring, which plays a crucial role in management of OSS and BSS.