DabomSoft Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming a software provider of ENPHAROS APM, contributing to the balanced development between people and technologies and systems and industries.


We offer WAS and TP-monitor performance management solutions as well as performance management solutions that enable business transaction tracking.

Key features and functionality ur wondering specific product, please go to the link at the bottom.



ENPHAROS APM is chosen by over 200 clients, which provides performance improvements optimized for today's complex and diverse IT environments.

To find out the effect of introducing features and products through the practices of customers, please go to the link at the bottom.



Working with partners possessing industry experts, Dabom Soft has been able to provide a range of timely support required to introduce and run APM.

If you need more information on the support scheme, please go to the link at the bottom.



To realize our strategy of selection and concentration, we adhere to a principle of sales only partnership. There is always an opportunity for partnering with us.

If you need more information on the partner and the partnership strategy plan, please go to the link at the bottom.


DabomSoft Product Introduction video


This video is a tutorial made for customers who are currently using or thinking of introducing ENPHAROS JAVA in order to help them understand and use it more easily. This video will explain about functionality of each main menu with a demo.

[ENPHAROS TP Tutorial]

This video is a tutorial made for customers who are currently using or thinking about introducing ENPHAROS TP and to help them understand and use it more easily. This video will explain about the functionality of each main menu with a demo.


This video is a tutorial made for customers who are currently using or thinking of introducing ENPHAROS TRACE, an APM solution based on transaction tracking, in order to help them understand and use it more easily. This video will provide explanations on six main functions of ENPHAROS TRACE with a demo.